How To Create and Message an Email Group

Users: Administrators & Coaches

This video will show you how to create and message an email group.

How to create an Email Group:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Login to Register
  3. Log in with your email/username and password
  4. Select "Navigation"
  5. Click "Email"
  6. Select "Email Groups" on the left side
  7. Click "New Group" at the top
  8. Type in a name for the group
  9. Select what account types you want to message
  10. Select the sports, teams, and/or seasons you would like to include in the group
  • NOTE: If you would like to further filter the group then select "More Filter Options"
  1. Click "Preview Group" at the bottom to review who will be included in your messaging to this group
  2. Click "Close" in the top left to close this window
  3. Click "Save Group

How to Message an Email Group:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Login to Register
  3. Log in with your email/username and password
  4. Select "Navigation"
  5. Click "Email"
  6. Select "Email Groups" on the left side
  7. Click "Send Email"
  • NOTE: your email group will appear in the BCC category of this email
  1. Fill in all the information for this email
  2. Click "Send"

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