How to add or edit teams within a sport?
Users: Administrators & Coaches
This article will show you how to create new teams within a sport.
Our system defaults are to have a Varsity and Junior Varsity team. However, you can change this! As an administrator or coach. You can create new team levels by following these steps:
1. Log in to your account
2. Select Administrator or Head Coach
3. Click Navigation
4. Select Sports
5. Select a sport
6. Click the + Add Team button
7. Fill out the information and click Create This Team
WARNING: it is unnecessary to create a team for each year. Every year, the system will automatically clear the rosters and store them for later if you would like to review them. Creating multiple teams with a year like "2023-2024 Varsity" will cause future problems.
If you need to edit the name of a team, or delete a team, click on that team and then click Manage Team button at the top of the screen and then click to Edit (that team). You can change the name of the team, or delete it. If there are coaches assigned to the team, you have to first remove them and then edit and delete the team.