Start Fundraising Today with Aktivate Fundraising

Spend Less Time Fundraising, More Time Winning with Aktivate!

We have helped over 10K teams raise tens of millions of dollars all across the country without asking student-athletes to sell products/services and without asking anyone to buy anything.
Super Simple To Launch
Watch this quick video on how Coaches can set up and track their campaigns today, Aktivate Fundraising Coach Overview

1. You sign up, and we'll set up your campaign! We'll send you your personalized campaign within 48 hours of signing up. You can complete the form on our website to start today or respond to this email. 
2. We'll give you a text message to send the team and an instruction sheet you can hand out. 

3. Athletes take 10-15 minutes on their phones to add email addresses or cell numbers of adults who know and care about them and who live anywhere. They’re done! The campaign is ready to go! 

We even have a dashboard for Athletic Directors to be hands on track/monitor the progress of campaigns, school wide.  Athletic Director Dashboard Video
Here Are The Numbers
  • Teams keep 85% of the first $10,000 in contributions, and 90% of everything else! 
  • There's no upfront cost and no penalties for lack of results or participation. 
  • We charge less than competitors while giving you best-in-class support.
Let's Get Started!

Do you have any additional questions I can help with? You can set up some time with us here. Otherwise, let's get you signed up today! You can either respond to this email, text me at 720-664-2737, or fill out the form on our website.

We look forward to helping you with a successful fundraiser! 

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