How to Open a New School Year and Update Registration Documents

Users: Administrators

The below video will show you how to update the active school year and add any new registration documents.

Steps for Adding Registration Documents

  1. Log into your Aktivate Account
  2. Click Navigation
  3. Select Settings
  4. Click Registration Requirements
  5. Find the document you want to update, select Edit
  6. Select Transition to New Document
  7. Be sure to select the new school year at the top. For example, 2023-2024. 
  8. Click Upload
  9. Answer the yes or no question (we recommend selecting no for all sports)
  10. Select Yes or No for sending an email to parents (we recommend selecting no)
  11. Click Save

Steps for Opening a New School Year

  1. Log into your Aktivate Account
  2. Click Navigation
  3. Select Settings and then Settings Dashboard
  4. Click Academic Years 
  5. Click Set Active next to the year

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