How to Approve a Role

Users: Administrators

As an administrator, you can approve roles by following the steps in the video below.


  1. Log in to your Aktivate Account
  2. Open the UIL Portal or Coach Management System
  3. Select Navigation
  4. Click Users & Permissions
  5. Select User Accounts
  6. Find the user's name on this list. If you don't see their name then be sure you are looking at the high school and use the black drop-down arrow to change what school you are viewing.
  7. Select Roles on the row with their name.
  8. Click Approve this Role

Another way to approve a role via the Message Center:

  1. Click Navigation
  2. Your Message Center
  3. Be sure you have the correct alert turned on (When a user has selected roles that need to be verified and validated before they can login fully)
  4. Click on the checkbox next to the user's name
  5. Click Approve this Role

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