Why Can't I see a PAPF?
Users: Administrators
If you are a DEC Chair or Member and you cannot find a PAPF that you need to view or do some action on then there could be a couple of issues. Please see below.
The first reason may be that your DEC alignments need to be updated. DEC alignments tell the system what districts you oversee and what PAPFs need to be sent to you. If you are a DEC and you are unable to see a PAPF then please click the link below to see some instructions on how to update your alignments
How to update your DEC Alignments
The second reason you may not be able to view a PAPF is that the PAPF hasn't been sent to you by the coordinator. Every coordinator needs to click a large blue "Send" button in order for a DEC Chair to view a PAPF. Here is what the button looks like:
If you are a coordinator for the PAPF and you need to give a DEC or another Coordinator access to view a PAPF then please click on the link below to find out how to give anyone viewing privileges for a PAPF.