How to See What DEC Chair Can View the PAPF

Users: Administrators

If you are a coordinator at a school, you can see who the DEC Chair is that needs to approve each PAPF. This is also a great tool to see if the DEC Chair has their account set up so that they can view the PAPF.


  1. Login to your Aktivate account
  2. Open the UIL Portal
  3. Click Navigation
  4. Select Eligibility Forms
  5. Click PAPF/Eligibility Home
  6. Open a PAPF for a student
  7. Click Run Check on the right to view the DEC information

Here is what that screen will look like: (we have covered the names and emails of individuals with grey here to protect their privacy.

Please Note: A DEC Chair will only be able to view this PAPF once it has been submitted to them for review or if they have been added as an invited user.

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