Why is my athlete not on a team?

Users: Parents & Guardians

There could be a number of reasons for this. The most common one, however, is due to an incomplete registration. A registration may have been started for a sport, but the athlete will not be able to be placed on any team/roster until the registration is complete. To access the athlete's registration to complete it, or check its status, follow these directions:

  1. Go to aktivate.com
  2. Click Login 
  3. Open on the Parent Portal by clicking Click here to start/complete athlete registrations
  4. Click on Start/Complete Registrations. This is on the left-hand side of the screen under the section "what would you like to do?"
  5. Open the existing registration by clicking View/Complete Registration to the right of your athlete's registration. 
    1. NOTE: On this screen, you should see your athlete's registration at the bottom with the status labeled on the right side. If you do not see your athlete's name connected to a registration here then you may be signed in under the wrong account, or you need to start a registration for the athlete.
  6. Complete the registrations by clicking any yellow or red boxes and following the directions on the screen.

NOTE: If the athlete has completed their registration and has made the team, you will need to contact the coach or the athletic administration at the school and they will be able to add the athlete to a team/roster.

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